April 2023 Sermons - MP3

DC 2304


April 2023 - MP3CD - 9 hours  39 minutes.  Sermons by Pastor Brian Donovan unless otherwise noted.


The Long Road Toward "No Remedy" (Zack Colvin)
Strong Men (Zack Colvin)
The Father's House
The Great Interpreter
God's Strange Work (Zack Colvin)
Friendship of the World (Zack Colvin)
The Sufferings of Christ
The Times and Chances of Life



God Will Make This Trial a Blessing (Savannah Sukeforth)
Brighter Day (Men's Quartet)
He Lives Again (Choi - Mansfield Group) (Instrumental)
If You Knew Him (Colvin - Potter Duet)
Calvary's Blood - The Master of Your Mind (BBC Kids Choir)
Justified (Butler - Osborne Duet)
I Just Wanted You to Know (Dominguez - Robinson - Robinson Trio)
There Is a Place (Gregory Duet)
Are You Washed in the Blood? (By the Book Bluegrass)
He Wrote My Name (BBC Bluegrass)
Nothing Ever Can, Nothing Ever Will (Girls Group)