August 2021 - One zipped folder containing 9 hours 41 minutes. Sermons by Pastor Brian Donovan unless otherwise noted.
The Voice of the Lord
Woe to Them That Are at Ease in Zion
Cross Bearing
The Servant Who Lost It All
The Greatest Building in the World
The Power of Habits
A Time to Choose
The Seasons of Life
The Family
What Do You Really Want?
What a Day That Will Be (Jones Family)
Haven of Rest (Chaffee - Harrison Duet)
I Can Trust Jesus (The Pilkingtons)
I Love the Lord - I'm Saved (BBC Youth Group)
Casting All Your Care (Jeffers Trio)
The Best is Yet to Come (Men's Quartet)
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (April Moore)
Be Thou My Vision (Guitar) (John Rodriguez)
He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions (Clevenger - Trosclair - Turberville Trio)
In Due Time (Jeremy & Jael Millar)
What a Saviour (James Jones)
Tell It to Jesus (Instrumental) (McCarroll - Rodriguez Duet)
Is Anything too Hard for God (Adamou Family)
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