August 2023 Sermons - Downloadable MP3

DC 2308D


August 2023 - One zipped folder containing 6 hours 52 minutes. Sermons by Pastor Brian Donovan unless otherwise noted.



Christian Addition (Zack Colvin)
Gifts of Suffering (Zack Colvin)
The Hand of God
God's Way of Learning
The Victorious Christian Life(Zack Colvin
A Meeting at Capernaum (Zack Colvin) 



He Will Hold Me Fast (Men's Group)
He's All I Need - The Rock That is Higher Than I (BBC Youth Group)
I'd Rather Have Jesus (Jones Family)
He's Too Wonderful (Geiger Family)
All the Way My Savior Leads Me (Stephanie McNamara)
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned (Stedman Family)
Living By Faith (Bernier Duet)
Nearer My God to Thee (Ladies Group)


* You are purchasing a downloadable MP3.  You will NOT receive a physical product in the mail.

* The download time will depend on your internet connection speed.

* Due to the nature of the product, this product is NON-REFUNDABLE.