Bible Correctors - MP3



BIBLE CORRECTORS - 2 Different Volumes Available.  By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman


Volume 1 - Tracks include: Analysis of a Religious Hypocrite; The Dead Sea Scrolls; Herb Evans and the Unregistered Churches; The NKJV-Another Fraud; The New Scofield Reference Bible; History of the Textus Receptus and Corrupt Manuscripts; Thomas Nelson Publishers vs. The Holy Bible; A Dedication to Dr. and Mrs. David Fuller; Christian Apostacy; Clark Crows for the Cult; Rick Norris Critiques by Dr. Ruckman. 1 MP3 CD - over 15 hours.

Volume 2 - Tracks include: Dear Dr. John; The Funnymentalist; MacArthur vs. Junkyard Dog; The NIV Debate; Problem Texts; The Party Line; Theodore Epp vs. the Holy Bible.  1 MP3 CD - over 16 hours.