Christian Art Publishers: Mini Pocket Bible (zippered) Faux Leather Pink/Brown

BL 4603


Christian Art Publishers: Mini Pocket Bible (zippered)

Binding:  Pink/Brown Faux Leather

Size: 4.2" x 6" x  1"

Text Size: 6 pt

Pages:  1002


At such a portable size and with such a sturdy zippered closure, the Pink and Toffee Brown Faux Leather Compact King James Version Bible with Zippered Closure will be your perfect travel companion, ready to be used when the moment is right.


The pink front and back covers of this faux leather Bible are filled with highly detailed heat-debossed flower outlines. A smooth walnut brown spine connects the two covers and features the title in gold foiled letters and the version reference in heat-debossed letters. Heat-debossed faux spine ribbing accents the spine.
The zippered closure of this Bible keeps all loose notes and prayer cards tucked safely inside, and you can conveniently mark your place within the gilt-edged pages using the satin ribbon marker. This mini pocket Bible features several helpful study tools, including Christ’s words inked in red text, a double-column format, a thematic Scripture verse finder, reader-friendly subheadings, and a one-year Bible reading plan. Because of the compact and highly portable size, the text is presented in a smaller 6-point type. The Bible comes packaged in a full-color printed cardboard sleeve.


  • Pink and toffee brown faux leather cover 
  • Heat-debossed floral design 
  • Gold foiled title 
  • Classic King James Version text
  • Mini pocket Bible
  • Zippered closure 
  • Satin ribbon marker 
  • Gilt-edged pages 
  • Flexcover 
  • Lay-flat spine 
  • Double-column format
  • Reader-friendly subheadings
  • Words of Christ in red ink 
  • Thematic Scripture verse finder 
  • One-year Bible reading plan 
  • Presentation page