February 2014 Blowout MP3 Sermons & Special Music
1) Paul Sherrouse - The Characteristics of Lot; Wounds; Why Naboth?; A Spoiled Dog,
2) Rick Sowell - It's About a Basket; Tracing the Disaster; The Value of the Water; Buy the Field,
3) Rick DeMichele - What To Do When You're In A Rut; The Strength of Weakness; Nehemiah 3,
4) Brian Donovan - Broken Stuff,
5) Dr. Ruckman - The Prodigal Son; Mark 5:10-5:20.
Plus 27 music tracts.
One zipped folder containing 15 hours, 52 minutes.
* You are purchasing a downloadable MP3. You will NOT receive a physical product in the mail.
* The download time will depend on your internet connection speed.
* Due to the nature of the product, this product is NON-REFUNDABLE.