George Meuller: Faith to Feed Ten Thousand

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George Meuller: Faith to Feed Ten Thousand

Author:  Renee Taft Meloche

Illustrated:  Bryan Pollard

Pages: 32, Hardcover

For Ages 6 and Up.


The people of Bristol, England, though God had more important things to care about than an orphan's breakfast. But George Müller (1805-1898) knew that wasn't true. George opened an orphanage, trusting God to provide for the needs of the orphans. By the time George was old, God had shown Himself faithful to ten thousand children! Homes, food, education, love - God provided it all.

Children, parents, and teachers love the adventurous Christian Heroes Then & Now biographies and unit study curriculum guides. Now Heroes for Young Readers introduces younger children to the lives of Christian heroes!

Whether reading for themselves or being read to, children love the captivating rhyming poems and unforgettable color illustrations of the Heroes for Young Readers series.