Illustrated Sermons, Volume 16 - Downloadable MP3 (audio only)



VOLUME 16 - A Rotten Woman (Prov. 12); Science Falsely So Called (1 Tim. 6); Unholy Smoke (Job 41); The War In Vietnam (Num. 14-2 Chron 35); What Integration Can’t Do (Amos 9); Why Newspapers Can’t Print The Truth (Acts 17); The Wild, Wild Wind (Psa. 107); Come Before Winter (2 Tim. 4); Demons And Christians (Matt. 4); Let’s Demonstrate (1 Tim. 4). One zipped folder containing 9 hours, 8 minutes. Sermons by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.


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* The download time will depend on your internet connection speed.

* Due to the nature of the product, this product is NON-REFUNDABLE.