International Sunday School Lessons 1982 - Downloadable MP3

DR 1982D


1--Confessing Jesus; 2--Jesus As Servant; 3--Jesus As Light; 4--Jesus Declaring His Ministry ; 5--Jesus Proclaims New Life Style; 6--Jesus Reinterprets Worship; 7--Jesus Offers Fellowship; 8--Christ Ordaining Witnesses ; 9--Mark 13; 10--Jesus' Miraculous Power ; 11--Two Miracles For A Paralytic; 12--Power Over Matter And Mind; 13--Feeding Body And Soul; 14--Christ Hears Human Cries; 15--The Wonder Of The Resurrection; 16--The Emmaus Experience; 17--Assurance In Times Of Stress; 18--God Evaluates His Churches; 19--A Vision Of Worship; 20--Persecuted But Triumphant; 21--Christ The Righteous Judge; 22--All Things Made New; 23--Mary A Woman Favored By God; 24--Zachaeus--An Oppressor Liberated; 25--James And John--Seekers of Power; 26--Judas--A Friend Who Betrayed; 27--Onesimus; 28--Stephen--Servant And Martyr; 29--Conversion Of Cornelius; 30--The Philippian Jailor; 31--Apollos--A Learning Teacher; 32--Barnabas--Builder And Missionary; 33--Paul's Ministry At Corinth; 34--Timothy--Paul's Trouble Shooter; 35--Silus And Titus--Workers With Paul; 36--God Creates His People; 37--God Makes A Covenant; 38--God Gives Jacob A New Name; 39--God Preserves His People; 40--God Reaffirms His Promise; 41--The Passover; 42--God Forgives His People; 43--God Proclaims The Year Of Jubilee; 44--Orthodox Preachers; 45--God Leads His People To The Promised Land; 46--Backsliding; 47--God Empowers Gideon; 48--God Is Israel's True King; 49--The Nature Of Luke's Gospel; 50--The Birth Of Christ; 51--Jesus' Early Life; 52--Jesus Christ Begins His Ministry.

Two zipped folders containing 24 hours, 2 minutes. By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.


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