International Sunday School Lessons 1994 - Downloadable MP3

DR 1994D


1--Jesus States His Mission; 2--Jesus Heals The Sick; 3--Jesus Teaches His Followers; 4--Jesus Calls and Commissions Disciples; 5--The Prodigal Son; 6--Jesus Commends Childlike Faith; 7--God's Patience And Justice; 8--One Who Serves; 9--From Death To Life; 10--The Power Of God For Salvation; 11--God's Gift Of Redemption; 12--The Gift Of Life In Christ; 13--Deliverance From Sin; 14--A Glimpse Of Glory; 15--Life In The Spirit; 16--Using Our Gifts In Serving; 17--Living For Others; 18--Delivered From Bondage; 19--Adopted As God's Children; 20--Given The Birthright Of Freedom; 21--Bearing The Fruit Of The Spirit; 22--Expressing Christ's Love; 23--God Remembers; 24--God Calls And Moses Responds; 25--God Redeems Israel; 26--God Brings Victory; 27--Bread From Heaven; 28--Leadership For Meeting Needs; 29--A Covenant To Keep; 30--Restoration After Wrongdoing; 31--God Is With Us; 32--Celebrate God's Ownership; 33--Accept God's Guidance; 34--Love The Lord Your God; 35--Choose To Obey; 36--Spying Out The Land; 37--Acting On Faith; 38--Winning The Battle; 39--Choosing To Serve God; 40--Israel's Tragic Pattern Of Life; 41--Deliverance By God's Hand; 42--Israel Demands A King; 43--Saul's Opportunity As King; 44--King Saul Disobeys God; 45--David Claims God's Promise; 46--David Sins Against God; 47--Solomon's Glorious Reign; 48--Solomon Turns From God; 49--John Heralds Jesus' Coming; 50--Jesus Affirms John's Message; 51--The Birth Of Christ; 52--The Wise Men Worship Jesus.

Two zipped folders containing 24 hours, 10 minutes. By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.


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