International Sunday School Lessons 1997 - Downloadable MP3

DR 1997D


1--The Ministry Of John The Baptist; 2--Mary And Martha; 3--Peter; 4--Judas Iscariot; 5--Barnabas; 6--Stephen; 7--Aquila And Priscilla; 8--Timothy; 9--Proclaiming The Gospel; 10--Live And Love In Holiness; 11--Pray For Others; 12--Do What Is Right; 13--The Resurrection Hope; 14--Commanded To Write; 15--Pergamas And Smyrna; 16--Thyratira; 17--Philadelphia And Laodicea; 18--The Lamb; 19--Jacob's Trouble; 20--The Last Judgment; 21--A New Heaven And A New Earth; 22--Christ's Servant Sets An Example; 23--Christ's Servant Teaches Godliness; 24--Christ's Servant Endures Suffering; 25--Christ's Servant Teaches Faithfulness; 26--Christ's Servant Encourages Community; 27--Jesus Is God's Son; 28--Jesus Is Saviour; 29--Jesus Is The High Priest; 30--Jesus Is The Sacrifice; 31--Growing In Faithfulness; 32--Remain Near To God; 33--Remember The Past; 34--Renew Commitment; 35--Living Responsibly; 36--God Works For Good; 37--Return To The Lord; 38--A Time To Rebuild; 39--A Vision Of Renewal; 40--Resisting Temptation; 41--Unwavering Faith; 42--Weighed And Found Wanting; 43--Daniel's Prayer Of Confession; 44--Completing The Temple; 45--Preserving The Faith; 46--A Leader Appears; 47--The Courage To Continue; 48--Reward Of The Faithful; 49--Living In God's Light; 50--Living In God's Love; 51--Celebrating God's Love; 52--Conquering Through Faith In Christ.

Two zipped folders containing 24 hours, 12 minutes. By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.


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