International Sunday School Lessons 2001 - Downloadable MP3

DR 2001D


1--Jesus In Nazareth; 2--The Cost Of Discipleship; 3--Lost And Found; 4--Threat Of Riches; 5--Going To Jerusalem; 6--One Who Serves; 7--Dying On The Cross; 8--Witness To The Resurrection; 9--The Promise Of The Spirit's Power; 10--The Holy Spirit Comes In Power; 11--The Holy Spirit Works With Power; 12--Obedient To The Spirit; 13--Empowered To Serve; 14--Witnessing Beyond Jerusalem; 15--Proclaiming The Risen Lord; 16--Gentiles Receive The Spirit; 17--The Church In Antioch; 18--Mission To The Gentiles; 19--The Jerusalem Conference; 20--Responding To Need; 21--Serving With Humility; 22--Rehoboam: An Unwise Decision; 23--Elijah: A Prophet Appears; 24--Israel: Called To Decide; 25--Micaiah: Courageous Prophet; 26--Judgment On Judah And Israel; 27--Empty Offerings; 28--God's Love For Israel; 29--God's Compassion For Israel; 30--What God Requires; 31--Isaiah's Call; 32--Isaiah's Challenge To Rely On God; 33--Pronouncement Of Doom; 34--Israel Taken Into Captivity; 35--Jesus Works His First Miracle; 36--Jesus Displays Power Over Nature; 37--Jesus Displays Power Over Disease; 38--A Mother Persists In Faith; 39--Lazarus Is Raised; 40--Jesus Teaches In Parables; 41--The Good Samaritan; 42--Parables On Prayer; 43--The Sheep And The Goats; 44--Storing Treasures In Heaven; 45--Living By The Law Of Love; 46--God's Servant Brings Light; 47--God's Servant Brings Peace; 48--God's Servant Brings Justice; 49--Blessed Are You; 50--Jesus Fulfills The Law; 51--God's Servant Brings Comfort; 52--God's Servant Brings Hope.

Two zipped folders containing 24 hours, 11 minutes. By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.


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