1--Jesus Begins His Ministry; 2--Jesus Calls Levi; 3--Jesus Sends Out The Twelve; 4--Jesus Calls For Total Commitment; Jesus Defines Greatness; 6--Overcoming Grief; 7--Overcoming Pride; 8--Overcoming Uncertainty; 9--Overcoming Prejudice; 10--All Have Sinned; 11--God's Judgment Is Just; 12--Justified By Faith; 13--Victory In Christ; 14--Live By The Spirit; 15--Find Salvation In Christ; 16--Display The Marks Of A Christian; 17--Accept One Another; 18--Believe No Other Gospel; 19--Know Salvation By Faith; 20--Understanding The Purpose Of The Law; 21--Live In Christian Freedom; 22--Participate In The Community of Faith; 23--Baptism And Temptations; 24--Miracles; 25--Trials and Opposition; 26--Triumph; 27--Experiencing True Happiness; 28--Practicing Genuine Righteousness; 29--Learning To Listen; 30--Receiving And Giving Forgiveness; 31--Meeting Human Needs; 32--Called To A Mission; 33--Healing The Incurable; 34--Being A Good Neighbor; 35--Accepting The Invitation; 36--The Spirit Comes; 37--The Church Is Bold; 38--Peter And John Heal A Lame Man; 39--The Believer's Share; 40--Stephen Is Faithful To The End; 41--Philip Preaches In Samaria; 42--God Welcomes Gentiles; 43--Philip Teaches An Ethiopian; 44--Peter Escapes Prison; 45--Paul Meets The Lord; 46--Lydia Demonstrates Faithfulness; 47--Priscilla And Aquila Serve Together; 48--Paul Says Goodbye; 49--Justice For All; 50--Strength For The Weary; 51--Hope For The Suffering; 52--Good News For The World.
Two zipped folders containing 24 hours. By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.
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