International Sunday School Lessons 2007 - MP3

DR 2007


1-- I Am From Above; 2--Jesus is Authority and Judge; 3--Jesus is The Bread and Water of Life; 4--I Am The Light of the World; 5--I Am The Good Shepherd; 6--I Am The Resurrection and The Life; 7--I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; 8--I Am The True Vine; 9--The Light of Love; 10--The Test of Love; 11--The Source of Love; 12--The Way of Love; 13--Christ is King; 14--Christ is Risen; 15--Christ is Worthy of Praise; 16--Christ is Able to Redeem; 17--Christ is Our Protection; 18--Taking Our Place at the Table; 19--Finding a Home in Heaven; 20--Living in God's Presence; 21--Anticipating Christ's Return; 22--Finding a Home in Heaven; 23--Recommitted to God's Ways; 24--Committed to True Worship; 25--Committed to Seeking God; 26--Committed to God's Requirements; 27--Committed to Righteousness; 28--Committed to Hope; 29--Committed to Accountability; 30--Committed to Trusting God; 31--Committed to Hope Even in Pain; 32--Committed to Taking Responsibility; 33--Committed to Returning to God; 34--Committed to Doing Right; 35--The Beginning; 36--In the Image of God; 37--Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac; 38--Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael; 39--Isaac and Rebekah; 40--Esau and Jacob as Rivals; 41--Jacob's Dream at Bethel; 42--Jacob and Rachel; 43--Esau and Jacob Reconciled; 44--Joseph is Mistreated; 45--Joseph is Exalted; 46--God Preserves His People; 47--Jacob Blesses His Family; 48--Called to Believe; 49--Called to be a Vessel; 50--Called to Proclaim; 51--Called to Rejoice; 52--Called to Witness. 23 hours 39 minutes on 1 MP3 CD. Lessons by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.