1--Inspired to Inquire; 2--Inspired to Love; 3--Inspired to Pray; 4--Inspired to Trust; 5--Called to Labor; 6--Called to Repent; 7--Called to be Humble; 8--Called to be a Disciple; 9--The Ark Comes to Jerusalem; 10--God Makes a Covenant with David; 11--God Calls Solomon to Build the Temple; 12--God Fulfills His Promises; 13--Josiah Renews the Covenant; 14--Holding to Convictions; 15--Taking a Stand; 16--Refusing to Compromise; 17--Praying for the People; 18--Setting Priorities; 19--Following a Visionary Leader; 20--Finishing the Task; 21--Renewing the Covenant; 22--God's Son; 23--Only Intercessor; 24--Perfect Redeemer; 25--Trustworthy Leader; 26--Eternal Christ; 27--Master Teacher; 28--Powerful Healer; 29--Exemplary Servant; 30--Promised Messiah; 31--Doers of the Word; 32--Impartial Disciples; 33--Wise Speakers; 34--Godly Servants; 35--Prayerful Community; 36--Community of Repentance; 37--Community of Humility; 38--Community of Values; 39--Community of Service; 40--Empowered Community; 41--Growing Community; 42--Transformed Community; 43--Evangelistic Community; 44--Unity in the Community; 45--Conflict in the Community; 46--Joy in the Community; 47--Leadership in the Community; 48--Grace in the Community; 49--Mary Praises God; 50--Elizabeth Honors the Messiah; 51--Shepherds Glorify God; 52--John the Baptist Preaches God's Message. Total Time: 24 hours, 19 minutes.