July 2023 Sermons - MP3

DC 2307


July 2023 - MP3CD - 10 hours  41 minutes.  Sermons by Pastor Brian Donovan unless otherwise noted.


Independence (Zack Colvin)
Taking the Mountain (Zack Colvin)
The Presence of God (Sunday School) (Perry Demopoulos)
Glory in the Cross (Adam Adamou)
Some Great Reasons to Stand (Brian Moore)
The King and His Coming Kingdom
The Cross and the Resurrection
Righteous Judgment (Zack Colvin)
Be the Example (Zack Colvin)
Worship God 
Time to Push Back



The Middle of My Storm (Ladies Quartet)
God Will Use the Trial (Emma Osborne)
Creator as Creations Friend (Judy Coventry)
There is a Record Book (Miller Trio)
He Has (Harrison - Sukeforth Duet)
Whatever It Takes (Clevenger - Gervens Duet)
Don't Lose Your Vision (Savannah Sukeforth)
Psalm 19 (Men's Quartet)
God is There (Campbell - Kearns Quartet)
Violin Medley  (Jesse Thompson)
A Mind at Perfect Peace (Meeks Trio)