King James Only Revised Dispensationalism: Dismantled

GN 9230


King James Only Revised Dispensationalism: Dismantled

Author:  David E. Walker

Pages: 70


Most believers raised in churches that contend for the King James Bible as the infallible word of God are familiar with 2 Timothy 2:15 and the idea of dispensationalism. In fact, most Bible believers are so familiar with their Scofield Reference Bibles they can tell you which side of the page a certain passage is on from memory. For many Bible believers, dispensationalism, as a theological system, answers so called “problem passages” that clearly teach salvation by means other than “by grace…through faith” in the finished work of Jesus Christ. At the same time, many King James Only believers remain unsettled or unsure about the differences in salvation under the various dispensations. Their pastors may not emphasize or teach these distinctions, or they may have fallen prey to King James Only preachers and authors who teach just the opposite. Some of these authors have been teaching this faulty dispensational position for years while others have more recently modified this as their position.

In this booklet we will briefly trace the development of dispensationalism as it relates to salvation under the various dispensations. We will show that the dispensationalism being taught by many King James Only preachers and authors is nothing more than a revised dispensational position rooted in Calvinism. We will also dismantle the faulty premises of this revised position by addressing the major points and examining their books in light of the Book.