Old & Gray "And in the Way"
Author: David C. Yocom
Pages: 170; gluebound
The Yocom Family: In 1983 I was involved in an automobile accident that left me paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I spent 18-months in a Veterans Hospital and Rehabilitation Center recovering from my injuries, much of that time was spent limited to a hospital bed. Since that time so long ago, I have never forgotten the loneliness and feelings of abandonment I experienced while confined to that hospital bed, and 30-years later the Lord would call me to "Preach the Gospel" to the lonely and infirmed folks occupying the local nursing homes in mt area, as directed in (Psalm 71:9) "Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth."
This book was written to encourage the reader to take what you have suffered in the Lord. (I Peter 5:10) and go out to the lonely, deteriorating saints, and the lost sinners, and use your experiences to be a blessing to the many folks confined to nursing homes and rehabilitation centers in your local area.