Ruckman's Seven-Foot Shelf
Author: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
A tremendous opportunity to acquire all of Dr. Ruckman's written material at a great price. These book and booklets, which cover over seven feet of shelf space, are available in four different bindings: gluebound, ringbound, hardbound red or hardbound green (all books are available in any binding except books denoted with *)
The Bible Believer's Commentary Series:
Psalms-Volume 1
Psalms-Volume 2
Song of Solomon
Minor Prophets-Volume 1
Minor Prophets-Volume 2
1 & 2 Corinthians
1 & 2 Thessalonians and Philemon
Pastoral Epistles
General Epistles-Volume 1 - 1 & 2 Peter, James
General Epistles-Volume 2 - 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude
History, How-To, Reference and Miscellaneous:
Church History-Volume 1
Church History-Volume 2
The Sure Word of Prophecy
Ruckman's Bible References
Manuscript Evidence
Science and Philosophy
Biblical Scholarship
The "Errors" in the King James Bible
Theological Studies-Volume 1
Theological Studies-Volume 2
* Alexandrian Cult Series - gluebound only
* The Anti-Intellectual Manifesto - gluebound only
* The Bible: A Deadly Book - gluebound only
* The Corrupt Catholic Cult - gluebound only
* Death of Biblical Doctrine - gluebound only
* The Damnation of a Nation - gluebound only
* The Full Cup - A Chronical of Grace - gluebound only
* The Christian Liar's Library - gluebound only
* The Local Church - gluebound only
* Mark of the Beast - gluebound only
* Memoirs of a 20th-Century Circuit Rider - gluebound only
* Music and Musicians - gluebound only
* Mythological Septuagint - gluebound only
* The Power of Negative Thinking - gluebound only
* 1 in 23,000,000 - gluebound only
* Rome-The Great Private Interpreter - gluebound only
* Ruckman's Battlefield Notes - gluebound only
* Satan's Masterpiece! The NASV - gluebound only
* Scholarship Only Controversy - gluebound only
* Unknown Bible - gluebound only
* Why I Am Not a Calvinist - gluebound only
* Art and Artists - gluebound only
* Bible Babel - gluebound only
* Modern Charismatic Revival - gluebound only
* Discrimination: The Key to Sanity - gluebound only
* E=MC2 - gluebound only
* Eternal Security - gluebound only
* God is Love - gluebound only
* The God-Called Preacher - gluebound only
* King James Onlyism vs. Scholarship Onlyism - gluebound only
* Life, Love and Laughter - gluebound only
* Will the Real "Allah" Please Stand Up? - gluebound only
* Happy Anniversary KJV - gluebound only
* Sermons on Hell - gluebound only
* The Last Grenade - gluebound only
* How to Teach the Bible - gluebound only
* How to Teach Dispensational Truth - gluebound only
* How to Teach the "Original" Greek - gluebound only
* Soulwinning - gluebound only
* Ruckman's Apocalypse - hardbound only
* Black is Beautiful - gluebound or ringbound
* Israel: A Deadly Piece of Dirt - gluebound or ringbound
* Bible Study Charts and Outlines - gluebound or ringbound
* Holy Scriptures vs. Holy Koran - gluebound or ringbound
These stitchbound booklets will be sent with each set:
About the "New" King James Bible
About the New Scofield Reference Bible
Bible Numerics
Differences in the KJV Editions
Monarch of the Books
The NIV: An "In-Depth" Documentation of Apostasy
The Professional Liars in Action
A Survey of the Authorized Version
Why I Believe the KJB is the Word of God
Five Heresies Examined
The Mass
Roots and Methodology
Tongues, Signs and Healing
Why I Am Not A Campbellite
Why I Am Not A Catholic
Why I Am Not A Charismatic
Why I Am Not A Mormon
Why I Am Not A Moslem
Why I Am Not A New Age Global Citizen
Why I Am Not A Seventh-Day Adventist
Four Judgments
The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Path of the Second Advent
The Restoration of Israel
Seven Resurrections
Seven Sevens
7 Come 11
The Two Raptures
The White Throne Judgment
Body, Soul, Spirit
Fact, Faith, Feeling
Heaven and Hell
Seven Baptisms
Seven Mysteries
Source of International Terrorism
The Simplicity of Salvation
Where Do The Dead Go?
What Saith the Scriptures
Custer's Last Stand
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
Segregation or Integration
The Tabernacle
Things I Have Not Learned