Russian: Complete Bible
Binding: Softcover Leather
Size: 6.75" x 9.5" x 2.25"
Pages: ~1255
This is the fourth edition of the Old Testament along with the fifth edition of the New Testament as of 2020, called the ‘Russian King James Bible.’ It has a genuine leather cover, and a hand-sewn binding for lasting usage. This makes also for the Bible to lay open without any difficulty at any place of the scriptures for easy Bible reading.
-The gold lettering on the binding of the black leather makes for a beautiful color combination and the classic Bible style.
-Concerning what’s inside the front and back covers are a total of sixteen blank pages for notes, sermon outlines, autographs, etc.
-Also included is the Preface to the First Edition of the entire Bible with a short outline of some basic rules as to the method of translation.
-Featured also in this edition is a Russian translation of the historical Dedicatory Epistle from the translators of the King James Bible to Prince James.
-Concerning the text of the Bible itself, it is the font “Petersburg,” size 10.5 for easy reading. Included in the text are all the paragraph marks as in the King James Bible.
-Another feature in this edition, following the Book of Revelation is a simple ‘plan of salvation’ for any sinner to read to learn how to be saved.
-And finally, you’ll find ten beautiful colored maps that are chronologically laid out showing various historical events.